Author Archives: apreche
Who’s Responsible for a Stand Alone Complex?
If you are a citizen of the Internet at the time of this posting, you are probably aware of the ongoing battle between The Oatmeal cartoonist Matthew Inman and FunnyJunk laywer Charles Carreon. The most recent development is that Carreon … Continue reading
On Convenience
Yet again there was a big Internet kerfuffle regarding digital music and piracy. It’s been at least fifteen years now. What needs to be said has been said. There is however, a side issue of convenience that I think is … Continue reading
Digital Identity Management
I read this article today, and it made me think of all the people who have false and/or multiple identities on the Internets. I’m one of the co-founders of Windsoc, and I have several web projects aside from that. I’ve … Continue reading
Tolkien estate censors badge that contains the word “Tolkien”
BoingBoing is reporting that that someone selling buttons with the word “Tolkien” on them was shut down by the Tolkien estate. Not content to censor a book that combines literary criticism and fiction by including JRR Tolkien as a character, the … Continue reading
Where Have the Good Men Gone?
For the past few years there have been intermittent editorials in various media publications, mostly from women, lamenting the cultural phenomenon of so-called “man-children.” The basic idea is that guys in their 20’s and 30’s are playing video games instead … Continue reading
Do Cheap Tactics Ruin Online Multiplayer?
Kotaku’s Mike Fahey has made a post addressing the age old issue of people using cheap tactics and how it frustrates gamers who are victimized by them. I never try to speak ill of my fellow players, but when someone … Continue reading
No, You Need A Technical Co-Founder
I just read this article suggesting that entrepreneurs should learn to code and start technology-based businesses without technical co-founders. I went to a Y Combinator Q&A last night and started getting frustrated when the audience almost completely shifted the talk to the problem … Continue reading
The Luddites are not actually the power brokers
I just read this article that gives many examples of people who have given up carrying a cellular phone. It claims that by doing so, these people end up in a position of power because others are forced to work … Continue reading
How Fast Should We Play Games?
Lisa Foiles has written a piece for Kotaku suggesting that games should be played slowly. That gamers should experience most or all of what a game has to offer, and burning through a game as quickly as possible is somehow … Continue reading