Author Archives: apreche
MySQL is Great, Haters Gonna Hate
I made a mistake that I must correct. I stupidly broke my rule of only writing comments here, and made a couple comments on this post complaining about a bunch of problems in MySQL. After being a happy PostgreSQL user … Continue reading
Raw food raids are on the rise
There’s an interesting post on BoingBoing about government raids on farms that are selling wares at raw food markets. It’s simultaneously ridiculous and also awesome. “If you take my computer again, I can’t do my homework.”—Words spoken to agents raiding … Continue reading
The New Google News
This guy Bruce Tognazzini (Tog), really doesn’t like the recent changes to Google news. The team involved appears unwilling or unable to just come clean with the fact that they screwed up completely, and, instead, are just chipping away at … Continue reading
Douglas Rushkoff thinks that shit is about to go down, economically speaking. Yes, this is really it. The beginning of a true end-of-cycle economically. If you own “stocks,” use these bounces to get out completely. If you have to park … Continue reading
Almost All Conventions Straight-Up Lie About Attendance
My favorite convention in the entire world, PAX, has committed to Boston for three more years. I have attended the past three PAXes, and have spoken at all three. I plan to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. … Continue reading
American Dream Is Elusive for New Generation
I don’t even know where to begin with this article from the New York Times. It tells the “sad” story of a college graduate who has to live with his parents because he can’t get a job. Except that he … Continue reading
Techies care about education, but not enough
In a posting on LearnBoost Rafael claims that technologists care about education, but don’t care enough to actually do anything to solve the problems of education. He’s completely right, and he’s also completely wrong. He doesn’t even try to think … Continue reading
NoSQL or NoJoin?
Daniel Lamire has written an interesting post discussing the terminology we should use to refer to the increasingly popular non-relational databases such as BigTable, MongoDB, CouchDB, etc. He’s mostly discussing semantics, but it got my mind thinking on this issue … Continue reading
Not Implementing Features Is Hard
Robert O’Callahan, a Mozilla developer, has made a blog post explaining why Firefox omits certain features. Based on the headline, I thought this was going to be discussing the evils of feature creep. That is not the case. Sometimes we … Continue reading
Something Deeply Wrong With Chemistry
Over on the Chemistry Blog, Mitch has posted a professor’s letter to a doctoral student. After reading the letter, I can’t even fathom what kind of horrible person the professor is. I imagine that if I spoke to this professor, … Continue reading